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How to use your digital HR tools optimally?

More and more companies are going digital when it comes to HR. This means that practically every organisation possesses the necessary tools to efficiently handle their HR processes. Manual tasks and Excel sheets are becoming a nuisance to many. Computerization and user-friendliness: those are the key words. But how can you make them come [...]

Sabbatical leave: how to go about it?

More and more people are playing around with the idea of taking a sabbatical. Taking a break from work for a year to discover the world, take a course, or get some rest; it sounds all too good to many employees. In the past few years, companies have been making arrangements with employees to [...]

Vacation days: 4 questions (and answers!)

Many questions exist in many offices about vacation days. These questions are coming from employees, but also from the HR department. Confusion is common, due to all the rules and regulations on leave. This blog answers 4 frequently asked questions about vacation days! 1. Which part of the salary should still be paid during a [...]

Special leave, special agreements: what are the possibilities?

Special leave is a widely discussed topic in HR land. Due to the fact that it is a very wide concept, HR managers have a lot of options to consider. This blog summarizes the most important points to consider. When is an employee entitled to special leave? The Work and Care Act prescribes that [...]

Parental leave: better work/life balance, better employees

The expansion of parental leave has been a hot topic in politics lately. A good work/life balance is crucial to employees, but also to employers. Psychological issues can be avoided when employees get the chance to create a good division between time spent at work and time spent at home. In short, all the [...]

Leave in all shapes and sizes: find simplicity!

There are numerous types of leave, and every type has its own laws and rules. This often makes it difficult to keep track of your leave registration. This blog offers tips for keeping it all organized! Simplifying types of leave Employees can request leave for various reasons. The question is: how specific do you [...]

How does selling and buying leave days work?

There's a new phenomenon in HR-land: the buying and selling of leave. More and more companies are taking part, because they want to offer their employees more flexibility. The question many HR managers are asking themselves is: what are the rules for selling and buying leave days? In this blog, we offer some tips for [...]

What to consider when assessing leave requests? 8 points of interest

The summer holidays are upon us, which means that many employees will want to take their leave. What should you pay attention to when it comes to leave requests? This blog contains 8 essential points of interest. Use these for a smooth leave planning process! 1. First rule of accepting or rejecting In principle, [...]

User opinion: “Clarity in leave and time registration”

The term "Efficiency" is music to HR managers' ears. A system that eases the leave registration process is therefore more than welcome at the average HR department. Miriam Sekeris, assistant HR manager at Yang Ming, talks about her experience with "Leave registration is much easier and clearer now. That is exactly what we [...]

Persistent HR trends: how to use them to your advantage

Some trends turn out to be more than just a hype, and don't evaporate like snow in summer. At present, a number of trends seem to be setting the tone for a fresh, new approach to HR. What do these trends entail, and how do you handle them as HR manager? 1. More customization, more [...]

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