Welcome innovation: discard your ancient methods!
Changing up the current way of working: it’s easier said than done. If you’re currently working with leave notes, Excel sheets, and verbal arrangements, it may seem like a challenge to implement a new leave registration system. People tend to stick to old habits, and introducing innovations could lead to resistance. However, it is has become a necessity to do so, because registering leave in Excel is really out of date. So let go of your colorful Excel sheets, and welcome innovation!
HR manager, a.k.a. list-maker
When workflows are computerized, it can all be very simple. One blueprint is created of the list of procedures. Managers and employees can then start working with this; from that moment on, they can settle everything according to the set procedures. Look at it like this: the HR manager creates the frame of the painting. Managers and employees can then fill in the canvas at will, providing that they do not touch or exceed the boundaries of the frame.
This way, the role of HR is much more about signals than about operations. Oftentimes, this is not immediately noticeable but will become clear in time – and it will definitely improve productivity!
Problems in practice? Solutions exist!
It is usually necessary to redesign the current state of affairs with processes. Yet, a fear of the unknown exists, which could cause people to protest when computerized solutions are suggested. Some of these arguments are definitely valid: factory employees, for instance, do not have a PC at work, and therefore can’t request leave automatically. They are used to simply going to their manager or team leader to ask if they can take a holiday. Such employees can greatly benefit from having an app, where they will be able to see their leave balance and workflow. In the app, it is also possible to directly request leave.
Of course, there are also employees who do not own a smartphone. For this small group, exceptions can be made to fit the situation; for example, it could be allowed for them to request leave verbally. Their manager can still immediately see their leave balance, due to the computerized system, which allows for a much quicker process. Obviously, most employees will simply use the access they have to the system themselves!
Would you like to know more about the cloud-based leave registration system of Leavedays.com? Feel free to contact us!