Excel files and leave requests on paper are so out of date!

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Excel files and leave requests on paper are so out of date!

Excel files and leave requests on paper are so out of date!

Are you still registering your leave in Excel? It’s like you’re still living in the previous century! If you’re still working with paper leave requests, you better book a one-way ticket to 1990. Your Excel files can’t be anything but confusing and equally colorful. It is high time to make a change. Let those Excel sheets go and bring back efficiency!

Don’t suffer needlessly

At this time, eight different stores of leave are used. The expiry date of all of these is different, which is cause for trouble among HR managers. Other than that, senior days and ATV days have to be processed as well. The one trying to register all of this has taken up a long and difficult task. Why suffer through it needlessly?

150 hours; at least!

In November 2014, Leavedays.com held a short survey among 650 HR employees. The results showed that yearly, HR managers spend at least three hours per employee to register their leave. How are they spending this time? We have made you an overview. The average employee requests leave six to seven times per year – ATV days, doctor’s visits, excluding special leave. Every leave request is received by email or note and is processed in Excel. Then, this Excel sheet has to be distributed to managers. Everything has to be communicated: statutory leave as well as exceeding statutory minimum. In the case of fifty employees, this amounts to 150 hours per year. Excluding excess. If, for instance, the leave request of the employee doesn’t line up in your Excel sheet, it has to be investigated further. Also those little contact moments – when an employee asks you how many leave days they have left, or wants to know about the leave they have already taken – are excluded in this calculation. Are you also working with leave request notes? It is safe to say that you’ll be spending at least four hours per employee, instead of three.

More signals, less operations

Imagine that every leave request is settled between employee and manager. Yes, you are seeing this right: in this situation, HR doesn’t even have to be the middle man. HR does have a clear and complete overview of the situation, though. Do you like the sound of that? Then switch to a leave registration system that can be used via a user-friendly app for managers and employees. This will make leave requests orderly, and easily observable for both managers and employees. To top it off, this will free up at least twenty of your own work days per year, so you can accomplish other tasks. Where you were used to operating, you will now simply signal!

Would you like to know more about the cloud-based leave registration system of Leavedays.com? Feel free to contact us!

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